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Here, we've listed some of our favorite posts on SEO basics, best practices for content creation/optimization, guides, and much more. Check out our latest posts!

SEO Tips For Software Businesses

SEO Tips For Software Businesses

This 12min video will cover the basics of organic growth, rankings and organic traffic for software businesses. This presentation was recorded at Microconf Croatia in October 2019, a marketing and business conference for independent software businesses. I am sharing a...

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How To Use Correlational SEO To Your Advantage

How To Use Correlational SEO To Your Advantage

How keyword-specific measurements will improve your content ROI. What if we could know exactly what ranking factors Google favours for a specific keyword? What if we could understand exactly how much content, backlinks and technical work was needed in order to...

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Structure Your Website And Content With Clarity In Mind

Structure Your Website And Content With Clarity In Mind

Website structure, WordPress categories and tags, silo architecture, hub pages, and pillar content… Did you ever wonder which is which — and what exactly it is that you’re supposed to do? In this blog post, I’ll talk about website structure not only as a powerful ally...

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Effective SEO Implementation for Software Businesses

Effective SEO Implementation for Software Businesses

This article was originally published on Search Engine Journal. Clarity in mind means clarity in content means clarity in hierarchy and structure – and structure is what Google loves. The structure is important for every good SEO strategy but especially for software...

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Managing SEO for Non-SEOs

Managing SEO for Non-SEOs

This article was originally published on Search Engine Journal. This article is for marketing managers, CMOs, and other executives planning this year’s SEO strategy. We will take the bird’s eye perspective on managing SEO to help you make smart decisions that...

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SEO Content Planning & Strategy

SEO Content Planning & Strategy

In January 2020, Viola was interviewed on Craig Campbell's SEO podcast. This is what Craig said about the show: Next up on the podcast was Viola Eva, Viola in recent years has been doing a lot of...

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SEO Tools And Resources

SEO Tools And Resources

We love our SEO tools. As SEOs, we use tools to understand the competitive landscape, our client's website, the website of their competitors and much more. We test and play with rankings factors and improve our strategies in the process. This is a list of new and...

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Revisiting Word Count in 2021

Revisiting Word Count in 2021

I don’t think every search query needs a skyscraper or ultimate guide. The optimal length for an article in 2019 depends on two things: Satisfying the search intent. Creating the best content piece â€“ with the goal to collect relevant links. In this...

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How to Rank Content in 2021: An SEO Deep Dive

How to Rank Content in 2021: An SEO Deep Dive

This post was originally published for Search Engine Journal in June 2019. Ignore the cannabis examples, if that is not your business. It works for any content. Enjoy! How to Rank Cannabis Content: An SEO Deep Dive The cannabis industry has...

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The Rise of On-Page SEO Tools

The Rise of On-Page SEO Tools

This article was published for Search Engine Journal in March 2019. This is an abstract. The complete article can be found here. Pushing the Frontiers of SEO & Content Let’s talk content and on-page SEO — on steroids. Let’s talk about cutting-edge SEO research...

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Keyword Intent Analysis

Keyword Intent Analysis

Data-driven content upgrades are SEO's favorite. They are highly effective for both content sites and eCommerce sites. In this blog post, we will study keyword intent and what kind of pages Google prefers, depending on the intent of a query. This will allow for you to...

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How to Successfully Do SEO for Zero-Click Searches

How to Successfully Do SEO for Zero-Click Searches

The phenomenon of zero-click searches is growing. For terms like currency conversions, time zones, word definitions and â€śhow to x” questions, nobody’s clicking through. That’s because many new SERP features (e.g., paid ads, media elements,...

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On-SERP SEO to Increase Brand Awareness & CTR

On-SERP SEO to Increase Brand Awareness & CTR

Page 1 on Google is changing. Organic search results are now competing for the user’s attention with paid ads, knowledge panels, maps, videos, featured snippets, and the like. The phenomenon of so-called “position zero” elements is now dominating Google’s “above the...

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WTF are Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines

WTF are Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines

Understanding what Google wants (sort of) We can read Google's Search Quality Rater Guidelines to get an idea about what Google favours. In these guidelines, Google specifies what they want to see - and implicitly how to be successful with SEO. At the time of writing,...

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Setting Up The Google Tools For SEO

Setting Up The Google Tools For SEO

In this blog post, you will learn how to use the most common Google tools which is the foundation for a successful SEO strategy. I will show you how to set them up to support your SEO. Step 0: Getting ONE Google account to rule them all. You want to store all your...

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