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This rising star needs no introduction… ChatGPT.

Imagine having a content powerhouse right at your fingertips. From converting podcasts into captivating articles to mastering the art of schema markup and data scraping, ChatGPT is your ultimate ally.

That means if you’re a:

  • Content Strategist
  • Digital Marketer
  • Social Media Manager
  • SEO Specialist
  • Brand Manager
  • Email Marketing Guru
  • Copywriter

…or any other content aficionado, ChatGPT is set to be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for!

And if you’re new to ChatGPT, we’ll show you how to use it for headlines, page titles, and meta descriptions, as well as summaries, FAQs, and social media posts.

Let’s do this!

To write or not to write content?

So far, we have not used ChatGPT to completely write articles targeting B2B tech buyers. Why?

Only a small percentage of your total addressable market is currently actively looking for the product you have to offer. You can capture this demand with transactional keywords or PPC ads.

With content and SEO, we aim to make sales easier in the future.

  • Build mental availability, so they think of you when they need your category.
  • Engineer more triggers to remind people they need your category.

Now, this means that you actually need to be remembered.

Who does not get remembered? Copy cats.

Also, coincidence or not, Google rolled out another Helpful Content Update in December 2022 and updated their Quality Rater Guidelines.

E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.” 

In the context of SEO, E-A-T refers to the quality and credibility of the content on a website, as well as the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness of the individuals that publish said content.

Understanding Experience

Now Google introduced the concept of E-E-A-T – adding the letter “E” for Experience to the acronym. 

This indicates that the content quality can also be evaluated through the lens of understanding the extent to which the content creator has firsthand experience on the topic.

Graphic by Search Engine Land 

How Subject Matter Experts Can Show Experience

It’s important to point out that nothing has fundamentally changed — those with an understanding of the EAT framework should not panic, as the new “E” in the acronym changes little in regard to how the search engine operates. 

If you’re someone who was already outputting reliable content (particularly if you’re working in a niche where information accuracy and quality are vital), you’ve got nothing to worry about.

Include an author profile with credentials: This can include information about your education, professional experience, and any relevant certifications or licenses.

We spoke with Leslie Gilmour, Founder and CEO of BeFound to understand how to include personal experience and opinions. 

“The best way to illustrate the ‘Experience’ component is by building on trustworthiness, authority, and expertise by referencing credible sources, offering unbiased information, and using tip-top syntax, spelling, and grammar in your articles,” says Leslie Gilmour, Founder and CEO of BeFound.  

Raw information alone is not valuable, and it is the expert interpretation of that information that turns it into insight. Leslie recommends integrating real-life work and first-hand accounts — related to what you’re writing about — into your articles. 

By sharing a unique opinion, content can stand out from the competition and offer more value to the reader. This creates mental availability with the reader.

“What differentiates a piece of content that successfully conveys ‘experience’ from one that doesn’t is definitely the lack of keyword stuffing. It’s incredibly easy for Google to see when someone overuses keywords in the hope of getting a better ranking, and that will devalue your content than ever before.”

–  Leslie Gilmour, Founder and CEO of BeFound

Now, ChatGPT is not a credible author and tends to hallucinate facts. ChatGPT is a tool and assistant to make your writers, editors, and subject matter experts more effective — it is not a replacement.

For those using ChatGPT to generate content while still aligning with E-E-A-T requirements, Leslie suggests doing a little bit of manual editing.

“So, once you’ve created content with AI, you’ll want to be really meticulous with editing, making sure you remove as much redundancy as possible and insert sections that demonstrate expertise and experience in such a way that they naturally complement the rest of the content,” says Leslie. 

That being said, ChatGPT content ranks today. 😉

Our ChatGPT Playbook for Content Marketers

These use cases go from easy to hard. If you already know basic ChatGPT, skip ahead to the sections about content outlines, podcasts and data scraping.

If you are new to ChatGPT, let’s dive in!

The key is to be precise. Always enter the target audience, examples from your industry or own content to make the responses more targeted. 

1. Headlines, page titles and meta descriptions

These are your first impression, elevator pitch, and the doorway to your content.

It’s simple: Add your content (blog post, landing page, webinar announcement, you name it — do not enter sensitive, internal documents) into ChatGPT and ask it for…

  • Headlines: Crafted to grab attention and stir curiosity
  • Page title: Maximum 60 characters, including a keyword for SEO magic
  • Meta description: A concise summary, capped at 160 characters, including a keyword

Let’s cover some effective prompts for each of these in detail.


With ChatGPT, you can experiment, refine, and get suggestions that cater to your audience’s tastes. Here are some prompt templates to get the ball rolling, along with an example to bring each to life:

  • Brainstorm some captivating titles for a post covering [topic].
  • Give me a headline that poses a question about [topic].
  • Imagine you’re introducing [topic] to someone for the first time. How would you title an article about it?
  • Craft a controversial or intriguing headline about [topic].
  • What’s a playful or punny title related to [topic]?
  • Provide a headline that offers a solution to a common problem in [topic].
  • Generate a headline that hints at a secret or insider knowledge about [topic].
  • Can you give a title that suggests a list or a guide about [topic].
  • I want a headline that evokes emotion or a strong reaction about [topic].
  • Suggest a headline that teases a surprising fact or twist about [topic].

Page Titles

While headlines aim to hook, page titles have the added responsibility of signaling to search engines what your content is all about. 

Here are 10 prompts for generating effective page titles:

  • Draft a simple title for a page focused on [topic].”
  • If someone searched for [topic] on Google, what page title would make them click?
  • Write a page title that highlights the benefits of [topic].
  • How would you title a beginner’s guide on [topic]?
  • Create a title that showcases an expert’s perspective on [topic].
  • Formulate a page title that suggests a comprehensive overview of [topic].
  • Craft a title that highlights common myths or misconceptions about [topic].
  • Give me a title that would rank well for [specific keyword related to topic].
  • Design a page title that promises a step-by-step guide on [topic].
  • Write a title that compares [topic] with [another topic or alternative].

Meta Description

Meta descriptions act as the elevator pitch for your content when it appears on search engine results pages (SERPs). Though they don’t directly impact SEO rankings, they can greatly influence click-through rates.

Here are 10 prompts to guide you in generating engaging meta descriptions:

  • Sum up [topic] in a brief but engaging meta description.
  • Describe the core benefit of reading about [topic] in under 160 characters.
  • Write a short teaser that captures the essence of [topic].
  • How would you encourage someone to dive deeper into [topic] in just one sentence?
  • Craft a meta description that positions this content as a must-read on [topic].
  • Highlight a surprising fact or tip from the content on [topic] in a brief meta.
  • Create a concise call-to-action for a reader to explore [topic].
  • Summarize the key takeaway of the content on [topic] in a short meta description.
  • Describe what sets this content apart from others on [topic] in under 160 characters.
  • Write a description that sets a promise or expectation for the reader about [topic].
🌟 Pro Tip:
For an added punch, start your meta descriptions with action-oriented words like “Discover” or “Explore” to pique curiosity. Also, check with tools like Google SERP Snippet Optimization to ensure your meta description appears as intended.

2. Summaries and FAQs 

Both summaries and FAQs are essential elements in content marketing. While summaries provide a concise overview of your content, FAQs address common queries and potentially boost your content’s visibility on search engines.


They act as a curtain-raiser, providing readers with a glimpse into the core of your content. A well-crafted summary can determine whether a visitor will continue reading or move along.

Prompts for crafting summaries:

  • Condense the main points of [topic] into a summary.
  • Highlight the primary benefits or insights of [topic] in a short paragraph.
  • Write a teaser that covers the essence of [topic] and urges further reading.
  • Describe the unique angle covered on [topic] concisely.
  • Summarize the key takeaways a reader can expect from [topic].


FAQs directly answer the audience’s pressing questions. They also serve as a strategy to become a featured snippet on Google, giving your content a prime position in search results.

  • List some common questions someone might have about [topic].
  • Answer the question ‘[specific query related to topic]’ in 100 to 150 words.
  • Explain [specific aspect of topic] as if you’re answering a frequently asked question.
  • Provide a concise answer for why [topic] is important or relevant.
  • Describe the most common misconceptions or myths related to [topic] in an FAQ format.
🌟 Pro Tip:When writing FAQs, aim for the sweet spot of 100 to 150 words. This length is optimal for Google’s featured snippets, granting your content a chance to stand out on the search results page.

3. Social media posts

We spoke with a few industry experts to understand how they use ChatGPT to generate social media posts. The main advantage they realize is efficiency. 

However, Tim Wolski, Chief Marketing Officer at nxtCRE, warns, “You have to be careful in that 1. AI will give you the most common answer, so you have to make sure your prompts push for content that is interesting and 2. AI will tell a good story, even if it isn’t true.”

When it comes to conversing with ChatGPT, Amanda Sexton, Founder of FocusWorks, shares her two favorite prompts: 

  • What are the emerging trends in XYZ industry?
  • Tips to enhance ABC skills

“They serve as great conversation starters and position us as thought leaders in the space,” suggests Amanda. 

Lindsey Chastain, owner of The Writing Detective shares a social media editorial calendar generated with ChatGPT: 

Streamline your content strategy with our ready-to-use CMO-approved editorial calendar
Get the calendar now

However, ChatGPT currently lacks the ability to create brand voices. Lindsey suggests, “I would like to select which brand voice to use and use run a prompt with that. This would be especially useful for people who manage multiple accounts or for people who tailor their brand voice to the platform (i.e. using a more professional tone for LinkedIn but a more casual, conversational tone for Facebook).”

“My favorite thing to do is to ask ChatGPT for 5 social media ideas for each platform we are working with for each article. That way, I have several to choose from. I also like to ask what types of shots to use for short-form video. I don’t always use the presented ideas, but they usually lead to the idea we end up using.”
– Lindsey Chastain, owner of The Writing Detective

Let’s take a look at some ChatGPT prompts for different social media platforms: 


  • Generate creative caption ideas for a [describe the photo/theme] photo on Instagram,
  • Create a ‘This or That’ Instagram Story template related to [your industry/theme].
  • Suggest some engaging poll questions about [specific topic/industry] for an Instagram Story.
  • Craft thought-provoking questions related to [specific topic/industry] to encourage comments and discussions.
  • Generate interesting trivia or fun facts about [specific topic/industry] for an Instagram post.
  • Transform this customer review into a visually appealing Instagram testimonial post: [insert customer review].
  • Design a 30-day [specific theme/industry] challenge for Instagram with daily tasks.

You can also use ChatGPT to generate a weekly or monthly editorial calendar with different themes and ideas: 

Twitter Threads 

  • Create a Twitter thread outlining the top 5 emerging trends in [your industry] and their impact.
  • Develop a step-by-step educational thread explaining [a specific concept or process] in simple terms.
  • Write a Twitter thread debunking common myths about [specific subject or industry].
  • Develop a Q&A Twitter thread addressing the most frequently asked questions about [specific topic/industry/product].
  • Create a thread analyzing the results of a Twitter poll about [specific topic] and discussing community opinions.
  • Craft a helpful thread providing [number] practical tips and tricks for [specific task or problem].

LinkedIn Posts 

  • Create a post offering advice on [job hunting, interviews, resume building, etc.] for professionals in [specific field].
  • Draft a LinkedIn post highlighting our company’s recent achievements and expressing gratitude towards the team.
  • Write a post summarizing key takeaways and moments from [a recent industry event/conference] that our network will find valuable.
  • Create an Employee Spotlight post celebrating [Employee’s Name] and their contributions to our team, focusing on [specific project/achievement].
  • Write a LinkedIn post summarizing a case study on [specific project/implementation] showcasing the impact and results achieved.
  • Craft a post recommending a book that has influenced your professional journey and invite others to share their recommendations.
  • Write a post sharing resources or advice on professional development and continuous learning in [specific field/industry].

YouTube Video Scripts

  • Write a script for a step-by-step tutorial on [specific task/process] targeting beginners in [specific field/industry].
  • Create a script for an unbiased review of [product name], focusing on its features, pros and cons, and comparison with similar products.
  • Draft a script for interviewing [Expert/Influencer name] about their insights and experiences in [specific topic/industry].
  • Craft a script for an engaging explainer video breaking down [complex topic/concept] into easy-to-understand elements.
  • Create a detailed script for a tech tutorial guiding viewers through the use and customization of [specific software/tool].

4. Content Ideas

Ask ChatGPT to give you content ideas. Enter the page type, target audience and focus that you would like it to work from.

5. Content Outlines

This is an iterative process. Here’s what I recommend:

Start by entering the type of page, topic, word count, and keywords. You will receive a very general outline with little customization and lots of boring repetition.

Copy the outline, remove the similar/duplicate elements, and paste it back into ChatGPT.

Next, you will want to customize the outline towards your audience, your product, and your solutions.

Enter the content of your feature/ solution/ use case pages into ChatGPT. A simple copy and paste will do — even if the formatting is ugly.

Now, tweak, edit, and add stories from your experience, customer case studies, or subject matter experts in your company.

6. Content and Keyword Clustering

Are you doing a large blog overhaul and need to restructure your categories?

A mere months ago, we were doing this largely by hand. Now ChatGPT can do it. Results have been hit and miss, but overall efficiency gain might be worth the experiments to get it right.

ChatGPT can also detect and cluster keywords, topics, and search intent. Check Aledya Solis’ guide here. With Zapier, you can push the ChatGPT results straight into a spreadsheet.

7. Turning Podcasts, Webinars, and Videos Into Articles

If your subject matter experts appear on podcasts, interviews, or videos — but are always too short on time to write for the blog, you can now help them out.

Transcribe your audio/video with a tool like and enter the transcript into ChatGPT:

These ChatGPT drafts still need:

  • Headlines
  • Formatting
  • Editing

But this way, you can quickly leverage audio/video content for SEO. Find our detailed guide on podcast SEO here.

8. Generating Schema Markup 

Schema markup ( is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines better understand the information on your website.

ChatGPT can help you generate it, and you can test it here.

9. Data Scraping

This week, I asked Gabby from the Flow agency (formerly Flow SEO) team to list all startups mentioned in this HR tech trend report. I want to use the data to create an SEO analysis.

For Gabby, this is busy work. With ChatGPT done in 1min.

I copied the article into ChatGPT and asked it to extract all companies and return it with their associated domain. Boom, done.

Data Analytics with ChatGPT4

You can now ask ChatGPT to analyze data and generate insights across multiple files like CSV, Excel files, JSON, Text, XML, SQL, and Log files.  This is available with the Code Interpreter beta for all Plus users.

So, how does it work? 

  • Step 1: Upload the research report or document you want to analyze.
  • Step 2: Specify what you’re looking for or ask specific questions about the report. For example, “Summarize the key findings of the report” or “What are the trends highlighted in the LinkedIn report?”
  • Step 3: ChatGPT-4 will read through the document, analyze the content, and provide concise summaries, insights, or answers based on the information available in the report.
  • Step 4: Ask follow-up questions based on the initial insights provided by ChatGPT-4.
“This latest update has been a game-changer, especially for our LinkedIn strategy. We actively utilize it to dissect social media analytics, allowing us to refine our system based on data-driven insights continuously.”
Amanda Sexton, Founder of FocusWorks

Addressing the Limitations

  • Descriptive Texts: When a report contains images, charts, or graphs, you can still generate insights from any accompanying descriptive texts, captions, or annotations that explain the visual elements.
  • Alternative Data Input: If the essential data is only represented visually, you might need to input the relevant data manually in a textual format for ChatGPT-4 to analyze.
  • Privacy and Security: You should be mindful of privacy and confidentiality when uploading documents, especially if they contain sensitive or proprietary information.
  • Limitation on Real-Time Verification: While ChatGPT-4 can analyze the uploaded document, it cannot verify or cross-check the information with real-time online sources or updates.

Prompts Ideas for Analyzing Reports

  • Provide an executive summary of the uploaded document focusing on key insights and recommendations.
  • Summarize the methodology section of the research report.
  • Extract all the statistical data points mentioned in the report.
  • List all the recommendations provided in the conclusion section.
  • Are there any case studies mentioned in the report? If so, can you summarize them?
  • What are the recurring themes in this research report?
  • How does the discussion in this document align with or differ from prevalent academic viewpoints?
  • Can you identify any gaps in the research or unanswered questions the report raises?

Advanced ChatGPT

Today, ChatGPT has limited knowledge of the world and events after 2021. It also has limited knowledge — period.

Now, things get interesting when you can train it on your own content and expertise. 

We all have a search function on our blog — who has ever used it? o.O

Now, imagine if your search function and chatbots were actually conversational and actually trained on your expertise.

1. Huberman Podcast

Andrew D. Huberman is an American neuroscientist and tenured associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine.

He is also a rockstar in the world of productivity, biohacking, flow, and peak performance.

Riley Tomasek (not affiliated with The Huberman Lab) has turned all of the episodes of the Huberman podcast into a chatbot experience. It’s a chat — but it actually knows what Huberman knows.

2. The Minimalist Entrepreneur Book

Sahil Lavingia is the founder and CEO of Gumroad, which is an e-commerce platform for creatives.

He is also an author, and he trained GPT-3 on the content of his book.

3. Flow agency (formerly: Flow SEO) Blog

You heard it! We trained GPT-3.5 on all of our blog content.

And now, it answers your questions — straight up on the Flow agency (formerly: Flow SEO) blog main page.

Ask it about Pillar pages, B2B SEO, thought leadership content, or editorial calendars.

These are just a few topics that we’ve discussed on the blog, which it’ll be able to teach you about. Consider it search function 2.0.

Fun ChatGPT

Why so serious? Rumor has it that it has been seen writing wedding vows.

The trick is to get really good writing prompts — like when you ask ChatGPT to embody a movie character.

Contributed by: @BRTZL @mattsq

Examples: Character: Harry Potter, Series: Harry Potter Series, Character: Darth Vader, Series: Star Wars, etc.

I want you to act like {character} from {series}. I want you to respond and answer like {character} using the tone, manner, and vocabulary {character} would use. Do not write any explanations. Only answer like {character}. You must know all of the knowledge of {character}. My first sentence is “Hi {character}.”

Poet, rapper, movie writer, translator, philosopher… The magic is in the prompts. Find a long repository on GitHub here.

Facing the AI Revolution

On our podcast, Kevin Indig (ex-Shopify, G2, Atlassian) said:

“We’re at an inflection point where AI tools are getting so good that they start replacing tasks. AI will not replace humans or jobs, but tasks.”
– Kevin Indig (ex Shopify, G2, Atlassian)

AI will have a significant impact on the content creation industry, particularly for blogs.

To prepare for this disruption, focus on developing a range of unique and meaningful content assets. 

This might include:

  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Live offerings, such as in-person and online events
  • Development of more creators within the organization who can regularly share their perspectives
  • Video content offerings
  • Original research
  • Multimedia content and animations

When you can create anything with AI — the real question is: What do you choose to create?


Viola Eva
Viola is passionate about digital entrepreneurship, flow, and mindful marketing. As a marketing consultant and SEO, she has worked with clients ranging from individual digital entrepreneurs to software companies to multi-national corporates and government institutions. She is a speaker, educator, and specialist on all things SEO.
Flow Blog

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