You’re reading the first pages of a new book you’ve been craving to buy for months. You can’t stop reading it. You’re pitching a new project to the top executives of your potential next client. All you can think about is this project and how to win them. Or you’re writing an article about a topic you’re passionate about, just as I am right now.
Can you picture the mental state you have in all of these moments? A sense of pure concentration that can’t get you out of focus. This state is called the flow state of mind. And for us, marketers with a great passion for what we do, but a thousand tasks to take care of, it’s hard to reach it.
One notification on Slack pops up! A colleague requires access to a spreadsheet you shared. You start losing concentration, but you stick to your goals.
Another thing is calling! Your social media manager asks for your approval for a new post. You open the app to reply quickly, but you read a message in the group chat informing you that one of your top clients is cutting the budget in half.
By this time, it’s gone. You’ve completely lost focus. And while trying to solve these precise issues, you remembered the uncertainty your team – and most marketers – face due to the AI content flood. You’re overwhelmed and can’t get your concentration back.
Finding a time and space for creativity is no simple task. And as a marketer you know more than anyone, that things need to get done. But could you leverage these flow states for better productivity, while still facing the challenges the SaaS industry businesses confront today? Is there still room for concentration in our jobs?
Table of Contents
What are flow states of mind?
Flow is a psychological state of mind. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi introduced this theory in the 1970s and defined it as a “state of complete absorption in an activity, where the challenges of the task match the individual’s skills and abilities”. It’s all about being in the zone.
He describes this state as:
“Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.”
Happiness doesn’t always feel the same way, and the same happens when you experience flow. You might have microflow periods when focusing on a work task for two hours nonstop, or having longer conversations with your colleagues about a specific project, without being distracted—and macro flow states, when a major experience becomes timeless, effortless, and motivating. You completely abstract yourself from reality to merge into a focused period of creativity and new ideas.
How Flow States Work for Marketers
Stress? Fallen websites? 404 pages? Urgent notifications? Yes, we’ve all experienced these situations. But besides the general assumption for marketers’ schedules – busy, rushed, and full – the reality could be different, and it’s up to you.
My flow state is built on rituals. It starts with coffee at my desk – one of my most important rituals – and then protecting my time from distractions.
For 45 to 90 minutes, I’m unreachable – no Slack, no notifications. The duration works well as it ties in with the optimal time of focus we can hold before our energy peaks, and allows for breaks after that.
Fab Giovanetti, founder and head teacher, Alt Marketing School
My flow state is built on rituals. It starts with coffee at my desk – one of my most important rituals – and then protecting my time from distractions.
For 45 to 90 minutes, I’m unreachable – no Slack, no notifications. The duration works well as it ties in with the optimal time of focus we can hold before our energy peaks, and allows for breaks after that.
Fab Giovanetti, Founder & Head Teacher at Alt Marketing School
Multitasking is our best friend. Working in marketing, you understand that the more you know, the better you’ll face challenges or issues when they arise. But there is a difference! One thing is knowing how to handle urgent demands and various projects simultaneously, and another is allowing yourself constant interruptions when you need to focus.
Productivity requires focus. And if you only concentrate on being a good collaborator to all your colleagues’ notifications and clients’ urgencies, you’ll never get the work done. By the end of the day, you’ll feel exhausted and overwhelmed, with no tasks delivered.
So what should you do?
Everyone can reach the flow state of mind if you prioritize tasks and balance your responsibilities.
“To achieve a high level of productivity, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses to make the most of your working hours. For example, I dislike repetitive tasks and working on polishing SOPs and instructions, so I delegate these tasks to team members who are better suited for them. Another thing that keeps me motivated is occasionally switching roles to avoid doing the same job for years. However, I thrive in organized chaos, meaning I know what each task entails and how to perform it, but I always need someone who can communicate this to the team in a more understandable way.”
Alexandra Tachalova, CEO & Founder at Digital Olympus
Achieving a state of flow
Is it easy?
Probably not. But we’re creatures of habit, and like any task for long-term success, it first requires effort until it becomes a part of your routine.
So here are some practical strategies you could start implementing to reach the state of flow at work (or anywhere else):
Time Management
Set specific time blocks for different tasks. Allocate uninterrupted time for deep work and set boundaries for when you can be reached for urgent matters. Prioritizing your tasks will help you a balance between collaboration and individual focus.
By managing your environment and time effectively, you can create the ideal conditions for entering a flow state and boosting your productivity as a marketer.
Remember, it might not be easy initially, but consistency and effort will make it a routine part of your workday.
Distraction Management
Distraction management is crucial in maintaining focus and entering a flow state at work. Turn off notifications and set boundaries for when you can be reached for urgent matters.
You can also establish a routine of regular breaks to prevent burnout and maintain focus throughout the day. By taking short breaks, you can recharge and return to your tasks with renewed energy and clarity.
Remember it’s all about balance.
Psychological Triggers
Sometimes, we’re our worst enemy. And we get stuck because we allow ourselves to do it.
Applying psychological triggers can help you enter a flow state by manipulating your environment and mindset. Use techniques like setting clear goals, establishing a positive mindset, and engaging in challenging tasks that match your skills.
Creating the right mental and physical conditions can help you enhance your focus and immerse yourself fully.
I experience flow when I am alone and can work without interruption. Then I forget about time and sink into my task. At the end of the day, I’ve achieved something that I can be proud of.
Steffen Raebricht, Founder at TA+ (Transaktions Analyse)
Could technology and AI help leverage the flow state?
Yes. After working in a marketing team for five years, I discovered that the tools that can distress our schedules and help us improve productivity are worth it.
There are thousands of tools and software to try, and you won’t find all of them useful. And don’t ever think these can get your job done!
Activate Your Flow State with Inspiration
You can achieve deep focus – or flow state – through a variety of practices that align with what works for your calm state of mind. However, there are some tricks that can help you reach concentration easily. But let’s get a clear example!
Website technical issues usually take long periods to get removed. Fixing meta descriptions, optimizing titles, and rewriting captions could take you ages!
You cannot do it yourself if 786 pages need a technical rewrite. That’s why at Flow Agency, we use GPT for Sheets and Docs to optimize metadata, so we can keep creative tasks for our flow periods. And what could have been achieved in three hours of work, we finished in 20 minutes. Here’s how:

Once you installed the extension, prompt this formula in the next column and roll down to get all of them done. Remember to check these are correct before delivering, and copy and paste them as values to remove the formula.
And then you have all day to write the article!
“Having enough interrupted time to get into a flow state is my biggest challenge. Time blocking for specific tasks has never worked for me, but I do have 3 3-hour blocks of time on my calendar each week for individual work. The reality of agency life (especially as a director) means those don’t always remain meeting-free, but it helps carve out those much-needed periods in my week to truly get in the zone. I’m also a huge fan of Loop Earplugs, even when my coworking space isn’t noisy it’s become a ritual at this point that it’s time to focus. I’m low-tech in my approach but it works!”
Natasha Burtenshaw-deVries, Director of Organic Growth at Flywheel Digital
These types of hacks can make your creative tasks more efficient.
Our Experience of Flow State
Helene (SEO Manager): The flow state has been indispensable to my work. It’s those moments when a hot cup of coffee, the right album blasting through my headphones, and a fresh content audit on the screen is when magic happens. The ability to lock in on a singular topic or task without interruption will allow you to explore it more deeply or in new ways.
Ciaran (SEO Manager): ‘One word: intent. Intentionally building your professional life around the experience of flow produced by deep work is a proven path to deep satisfaction.’
Angela (Content Manager and PR Specialist): I love to get started with some lemon verbena oil in my diffuser for creativity, and this seems to set “the mood.” When I’m working in a flow state, I actually get this feeling of excitement. Hours can pass by and it feels like 30 minutes. But I almost always have one truly integral idea that creates a domino effect… allowing thoughts to flow and tasks to be completed in record time.
Cultivate FLOW As Your Marketing Superpower
Finding your flow state is like discovering a secret superpower. It’s more than just getting work done— but diving deep into creativity and expression, where ideas flourish and tasks become almost effortless.
By establishing rituals, managing distractions, and leveraging the right tools, you can transform your workday into a series of focused, productive sprints. Think of flow as your creative fuel; the more you tap into it, the more you can achieve, not just in ticking off tasks but in delivering work that your audience will remember. Because in the end, isn’t that what we all want?