How We Achieved 162% Growth in Keywords and Boosted Organic Sessions by 91%


August 22, 2023

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Mailcharts case study

MailCharts, a leading e-commerce tool for email and SMS marketing inspiration, empowers marketers to explore competitors’ campaigns, discover industry trends, and ignite creativity with emerging email strategies. 

As a valued client of Flow SEO, they approached us with an exciting challenge: to launch a fresh topical hub centered on SMS marketing examples.

Building on the success of their existing Email Marketing and Holiday Email Marketing hubs, this project offered the perfect chance to not only introduce new topics but also rejuvenate and elevate the content within the current hubs, enhancing their rankings.

Flow SEO’s Pillar Strategy

Our approach is built on research, planning, testing, and continuous improvement. Here’s how we executed the strategy:

Research Stage

We conducted a content audit, keyword research, and competitor analysis for the three main hubs (Email Examples, Holiday Emails, and SMS Examples).

Content Preparation

Using tools like Surfer SEO and Ahrefs, we created content briefs containing target keywords, outlines, competing pages, word count, and internal linking strategies.

Content Creation

New and updated content briefs were developed in collaboration with MailCharts and their external writer, followed by our team’s review before publishing.


On average, five pieces, including blog posts, pillar pages, and subpages, were published or updated monthly.

Monitoring, Optimization, and Link Building

We used Ahrefs for keyword tracking and monitored pillar keywords to ensure top rankings. Internal linking was optimized, and monthly link building was conducted to enhance referring domains.

Product-Led Approach:

Pillar Pages

Each main topic (Holiday, Email, SMS) was structured with a pillar page, offering sub-pages and internal links to relevant blog posts.

Product-Led Sub-Pages

Sub-pages included a table of contents, strategies and tips, and real-world examples from well-known brands, all pulled from the MailCharts database.

Content Focus

The hubs concentrated on two key aspects: the customer journey (e.g., onboarding, re-engagement) and holiday email examples, a significant commercial space for U.S. e-commerce brands.

Scalable Implementation

The templated approach ensured consistency in MailChart’s voice and allowed for easy creation of new pages, enhancing user comfort while navigating the site.


Organic Growth and Keyword Rankings

In a remarkable demonstration of success, our strategies led to significant Year-over-Year (YoY) growth for the Holiday Email Examples section of the site. Organic sessions soared by an impressive 91%, reflecting a substantial increase in user engagement and interest.

But the growth didn’t stop there. The number of ranked keywords for the Holiday Email Examples surged by a staggering 162% YoY. This expansion in keyword rankings played a vital role in enhancing the site’s visibility and reach, contributing to the overall success of the campaign.

Lead Generation

The impact on lead generation was equally noteworthy. Organic leads from the Holiday Email Examples grew by 49% YoY, while the Email Example hubs experienced a 10% YoY increase in leads. These figures not only signify a successful optimization of content but also translate to tangible business growth and potential revenue streams.

Launching New Content

With an eye on future growth and diversification, we successfully launched a new SMS Examples Hub. This ambitious project included the creation of a comprehensive pillar page, 14 sub-pages, and 14 blog posts, all tailored to a new product offering. This expansion not only broadened the content landscape but also positioned MailCharts as a thought leader in both email and SMS marketing.

Top 10 Keywords Performance

Finally, our targeted efforts led to a 45% YoY increase in the total number of top 10 keywords for Email Examples. This achievement is a testament to our focused keyword strategy and content optimization, ensuring that MailCharts continues to rank prominently for highly competitive and relevant terms.


Overall, these results paint a picture of a highly successful SEO campaign, marked by robust growth in organic traffic, keyword rankings, lead generation, and content expansion. The collaboration between MailCharts and Flow SEO has not only achieved the immediate goals but, laid a strong foundation for future growth and innovation.

By breaking down the results into distinct sections and providing context and interpretation, you can make the data more accessible and engaging for your readers. Feel free to adjust the language and tone to match your brand’s voice or the specific audience you’re targeting.

Email Examples Results

Holiday Email Examples Results

SMS Examples Results

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